How Google got its employees to Eat their Vegetables
Medium One/Zero, February, 7, 2020
The tech giant is engineering a way to make their employees like healthier food — and it may be a model for the rest of us.
How to do Good Fat Better
The Wall Street Journal, February 28, 2018
Fat is fashionable now, prompting a deluge of ultra-rich dairy products billed as both healthy and delicious. But can you actually have it all?
The Problem with Meal Kits
The Wall Street Journal | August 4, 2017
Meal kits promised to make cooking easy enough that Americans would actually do it. But Americans don’t want to cook and never have.
The Future of Flavor
Stone Barns Center | September 29, 2016
First, chefs started paying attention to ingredients. Next, they got interested in farmers. Connecting with seed breeders is the natural next step because that is where flavor begins.
What the Fattest City in America Can Teach Us About Food
Knowledge @wharton | February 9, 2016
Brent Cunningham and I discuss what lessons there are to learn from Huntington, WV, once the most unhealthy city in America according to the Centers for Disease Control.
Is Grass-fed Really Better?
New York Magazine | May 31, 2015
Not surprisingly, the answer is: It depends.
The Good and Bad of Saving the Ugly
Stone Barns Center | August 21, 2015
Saving ugly fruits and vegetables is good for the environment and America's hungry. But does it work for farmers?